Rules & Regulations


The Rules and Regulations of the Franklin Country Club as approved by the Board of Governors are detailed in the following section. The Board is charged with the responsibility of determining, establishing, and enforcing a set of rules. The challenge is to devise a code that will ensure good order, allow maximum efficiency, and provide optimum benefit to the membership. We realize that no set of rules will cover every conceivable situation. We will strive to update or expand the scope of these rules as required.

Compliance with the rules is the responsibility of every member. Our Professional and Managerial staff are trained and authorized to help guide members toward adhering to the rules. Any questions regarding the enforcement or interpretation of any rule, regulation, or policy must be directed, in writing, to the Board of Governors. Please be aware that compliance with the rules is expected. Violations will be swiftly addressed. Sanctions for violations are determined and will be enforced by the Board of Governors.

The rules are intended to be an aid to your enjoyment of the Club. The Board welcomes suggestions toward that end and we will entertain all reasonable proposals.

To ensure the safety of all our members, we urge everyone to use the course, the facilities, and the services of the club in a responsible manner.

Membership Privileges and Responsibilities


Any person may apply for membership to the Franklin Country Club. Membership application forms and procedures are available at the FCC Clubhouse Office. Applications are made to the Membership Committee who shall review the application(s), interview the applicant(s) and make recommendations to the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors shall make all final decisions on FCC memberships

Applicants for Golf Membership must have one sponsor, with a formal letter of recommendation from the sponsor accompanying the member application. The sponsor must be a good-standing FCC member and cannot sponsor more than two applicants in one fiscal year. Any application without a formal letter of recommendation will be rejected. The applicant must also put down a $3,000 non-refundable deposit at time of application. All applicants will be interviewed by the Membership Committee and would need to be approved by the FCC Board of Governors.

If the Golf Membership is full, applicants can gain conditional Golf Membership approval and be placed on a waiting list.  Conditional approval requires an interview with the membership committee, approval by the committee and board and the $3000.00 non-refundable deposit. After approval the applicant will have all the privileges and responsibilities as listed for a Social membership (if space allows). When a Golf Membership becomes available, the deposit will be applied to the current initiation fee. If the conditional spot is not open, FCC will still request a $3000 non-refundable deposit.

*any exceptions to the non-refundable deposit must be approved by the FCC Board of Governors

If applicant is not sponsored by an existing FCC member, Membership Committee will suggest to applicant to join the club as a Social or Pool Social member, to gain access to club within guidelines, and then gain sponsorship.

Sponsorship letters of recommendation are crucial components of our membership application process. These provide the Membership Committee with the most accurate and complete information possible on the candidate and his or her family. The Membership Committee will use the information provided to evaluate suitability for FCC membership

When a member leaves FCC, and then later reapplies for membership, they are responsible for the full initiation amount at time of return.

*All cases of member return inquiring about initiation will be reviewed by the board.

New Members

The Business Office gives new members a membership number for charging privileges. They will also receive a “local number” for entering scores in the computer by the Handicap Chairman. Locker rental may be available. Golf club cleaning and storage may be arranged with the pro shop.

Class A Members

Class A members have full membership privileges, including golf anytime the course is deemed open for play. Full Family pool privileges, and clubhouse privileges apply. Class A members are voting active members of the club, and hold a certificate of stock in FCC.
Class A members will have a quarterly minimum spending requirement for food.

Class B Members

Class B members have the same privileges as Class A members, except that they may only play in non-prime time (as defined in our Rules and Regulations), or when otherwise authorized by the golf committee.
Class B members are voting active members of the club, and hold a certificate of stock in FCC.
Class B members will have a quarterly minimum spending requirement for food.

Class C Members

This class, basically the former Family Membership, allows two adult family members and any children actively enrolled in school and under the age of 24. One adult is designated Class A privileges, the other Class B privileges. Both adults in a Class C membership have voting rights, and stock certificates.
Class C members will have quarterly minimum spending requirement for food.

Class D Members

This class allows two adult non-married cohabitating people residing at the same address and any children actively enrolled in school and under that age of 24.  Valid proof of cohabitation must be provided.  One adult is designated Class A privileges, the other Class B privileges.  ONLY the Class A membership has voting rights, and stock certificates.  The Class B member shall be non-voting.  If the relationship should end the B membership shall cease.  Class D members will have monthly minimum spending requirement for food.

Junior Members

School age children of Class C members are Junior members of FCC.
Children of Class A or B members may become junior members by paying the appropriate additional dues.

The Board of Governors is currently accepting applications for 25 "Outside Junior Memberships" meaning juniors whose parents are not members of FCC, may be invited to join by the Board of Governors.

Junior members may only play in non-prime time (see Golf Rules for further details), Outside Junior members do not have guest privileges.

Juniors under age 12 must be accompanied by a parent at all times while on club property, including the practice green and the practice range.

Junior members do not have a monthly minimum spending requirement for food

Pool Social Members

Pool Social Members do not have voting rights at FCC.  A Pool Social Member has full pool privileges and full social privileges at the club, including access to club dining and social events. Pool Social members have a monthly minimum spending requirement for food as outlines in Membership Dues & Fees Matrix.

Pool Social Members may play golf two times per month - once during primetime with an active golfing member (Class A), and once in non-prime time with prevailing guest fees & up to 3 guests and charge the appropriate greens fee to his/her account. Practice areas can only be used the day of play.

Children of Pool Social Members may participate in any children's programs at the club including golf programs (note children's programs require separate fees). 

Pool Social Members must register at the golf shop prior to play. A round of golf is considered used whenever a member plays regardless of whether they play 9 or 18 holes. Tournaments and other special golf events (couples nine and wine, etc.) are also not available to Social Members unless/until these events are opened to Social Memberships If a Tournament or special golf event is opened to Social Members, they may use their allowed rounds per month and pay standard golf guest fees to participate in the event and is considered one of their rounds allotted per month (unless otherwise specified within tournament guidelines).

Social Members

Social Members do not have voting rights at FCC.  A Social Member has access to club dining and social events but does not have pool privileges. Social members have a monthly minimum spending requirement for food as outlines in Membership Dues & Fees Matrix.

Social Members may play golf two times per month - once during primetime with an active golfing member (Class A), and once in non-prime time with prevailing guest fees & up to 3 guests and charge the appropriate greens fee to his/her account. Practice areas can only be used the day of play.

Children of Social Members may participate in any children's programs at the club including golf programs (note children's programs require separate fees). 

Social Members must register at the golf shop prior to play. A round of golf is considered used whenever a member plays regardless of whether they play 9 or 18 holes. Tournaments and other special golf events (couples nine and wine, etc.) are also not available to Social Members unless/until these events are opened to Social Memberships. If a Tournament or special golf event is opened to Social Members, they may use their allowed rounds per month and pay standard golf guest fees to participate in the event and is considered one of their rounds allotted per month (unless otherwise specified within tournament guidelines).

Honorary Members

From time to time, the Board of Governors may issue an honorary membership to an individual who has given many years of service to the club. This membership category remains in effect for as long as the honorary member remains in good standing at the club. In these rare cases, annual dues and food minimums are waived.

Legacy Members

Children that reach age 24, of members who have been Class A, B, or C members (with voting rights and currently in good standing) for at least 10 years, are granted legacy rights to full membership. This means they are generally accepted without being placed on a waiting list, subject to an opening becoming available.

If the child has been a continuous member of FCC for at least 5 years themselves, and their parent(s) have been Class A, B or C members for at least ten years, they will be admitted without an initiation fee. They are responsible for all other fees applicable.

If they have not been a member themselves for 5 years but the parent(s) have been Class A, B or C members for at least ten years, the child will be charged one half of the prevailing initiation fee for their age, as well as all other fees applicable.

Classes Over 65 Years of Age

Class A, B, and C members who are 65 or older and have been golf members for at least twenty years have lower dues, but the same privileges as those under 65.

*the change occurs at the beginning of the fiscal year (October 1st)  the members birthday occurs. This does not apply to other age-related changes in any class, and are done the 1st of the following fiscal year after the date of the event.


All members may entertain guests on the property and use the facilities associated with their membership. Fees associated with the uses of the facility will be set annually. Members must accompany their guests at all times and are responsible for their conduct, dress and all charges they may incur.

Members are allowed 1 guest during prime time and outside of prime time must have 1 member in each foursome. Guests are only allowed to play golf 2 times per month excluding tournaments.

Changes in Membership

Members requesting changes in membership status, or resignation, must complete a Membership Change Request form and submit it to the membership committee. All requests should include specific reasons for the change or resignation. Requests will be reviewed by the membership committee and submitted to the board.  Changes or resignations will not go into effect until they are approved by the Board of Governors. Members who change their membership status are obligated to fulfill their financial responsibilities starting in the month of approval as described by the FCC By-Laws. Changes from social class to golf class must have one sponsor, with a formal letter of recommendation from the sponsor accompanying the member application. The sponsor must be a good-standing FCC member and cannot sponsor more than two applicants in one fiscal year. Any application without a formal letter of recommendation will be rejected.

Termination or Suspension: Membership may be terminated or suspended from the Club and have privileges revoked by the Board of Governors for violation of the By-Laws or Policies/Rules and Regulations, or for any conduct deemed to be detrimental to the interests of the Club.  

Leave of Absence

Members requesting a leave of absence in membership status, must complete a Membership Change Request form and submit it to the front office, for membership committee review. All requests should include specific reasons for the leave of absence. Requests will be reviewed by the membership committee and submitted to the board monthly. Leave of absences will not go into effect until they are approved by the Board of Governors. Members who request a leave of absence are obligated to fulfill their financial responsibilities outstanding and up to the month of approval as described by the FCC By-Laws, including initiation outstanding. Any application without a formal reason noted will be rejected.

A leave of absence is effective for 1 year (within the FCC fiscal year of Oct-Sept) and may be extended for 1 year upon reapplication or may at any time be terminated by the Board of Governors in their discretion.

Your options at the end of the period are to, request reinstatement as a member, request a change in class, resign, or request a one-year extension to your leave of absence. Any request for an extension to your leave of absence must include a reason for the extension which the board may consider in making its decision to grant or not grant the extension.

Regarding an approved Leave of Absence, if we do not hear back from you in writing by September 30, we will assume you are resigning from the club.

Upon any request for reinstatement/return from leave of absence, you will be subject to availability of your prior membership category.

Financial Obligations of Members

The fiscal year of the club runs from 10/1 through 9/30. Dues are payable as billed.

Pool members are now afforded a two-pay plan, one payment in October and the second in April.

Annual Dues: Payable as billed.

Monthly Charges: Payable upon receipt of the statement.

Delinquency and Posting

Any outstanding indebtedness to the club that is in excess of 45 days will receive a letter from the Financial Secretary outlining the past due amount. If the balance is unpaid thereafter 30 days the member will be posted and all privileges will be suspended until their financial obligations are settled with the addition of a 10% re-instatement fee. The members number will be deactivated from the Clubs computer system so they will not be able to access any of the Clubs services. If the member remains past due for another 30 days the Board of Governors will consider expulsion.


All complaints shall be in writing and addressed to the Board of Governors who shall render a decision in writing.


Dress Code

Proper attire is required of all members and their guests in the Clubhouse and on the golf course at all times.

Appropriate denim may be worn in the dining room, lounge and deck areas. It will remain STRICTLY PROHIBITED from the Golf Course, driving range and putting green.  “Appropriate Denim” means clean, free of tears, rips, frays or holes (whether from age or manufacture).

Cut-off jeans are not permitted. “Appropriate Attire” means collared shirts (including mock collars), dress tops, shorts and slacks for all ages.

Proper attire DOES NOT INCLUDE swim wear/cover-ups (except in the pool area), tee shirts, jogging/sweat suits, sweatshirts, sweat clothing of any kind or sport team uniforms (pre-game clean or post game).

Baseball caps are allowed on the deck and in the lounge area (brim facing forward only). Dress hats may be worn in the dining room. Footwear is always required throughout the clubhouse.

Loss or Damage

Any damage to Club property caused by a member or his guest shall be charged to such member. The Club is not responsible for any articles that are lost or stolen in the Clubhouse or on the grounds.


Members and guests are expected to comply fully with rules governing parking. Vehicles are to be parked within the lines; driveways and fire lanes are to be kept clear at all times. Illegally parked vehicles are subject to towing, without notice, at the owner’s expense.


Subscription papers or advertising notices, other than club activities, will not be permitted. Any material to be posted, other than official Committee or Board of Governor’s notices, must be submitted in advance to the General Manager for approval. Use of the FCC mailing list for the purpose of solicitation is prohibited.

Use of Facilities

The facilities of Franklin Country Club are available to all members for personal recreation or business functions.

The FCC Clubhouse is for the exclusive use of all members and their guests in accordance with House Rules. Business, social, and special golf functions must be approved, in advance, by an application to the General Manager and/or the Tournament Committee.

No outside alcohol or coolers are allowed on the property except for wine brought to dining areas where members are served by FCC staff and charged a corkage fee.



All members with guests MUST sign in and receive tee time or tee time verification in the Pro Shop prior to teeing off.

All play must start from the 1st Tee unless specifically authorized by the Pro Shop

Playing Regulations

For purposes of controlling play, the following definitions/rules will be strictly enforced by Pro Shop personnel.

Prime Time

Prime Time refers to the period of heaviest play at the Club and reserved for Class A members.

Reserved for outings. No Prime Time Hours

No Prime Time Hours

No Prime Time Hours

Prime Time Hours : 12:30pm – 3:30pm

Prime Time Hours : 11:30pm – 1:30pm

Saturday & Sunday (including Holidays)
Before 11:30am

  • Juniors on weekends can start teeing off at 12:30pm


All players are expected to know and observe the rules of Golf (as defined by the USGA), the rules of the club and the etiquette of the game of golf. The Board of Governors asks that particular attention be paid to the following:

  • Tee off promptly at assigned tee times. Forfeiture of tee time is automatic for late arrivals.
  • Tee off from appropriate markers. Blue markers are for Advanced players or Championship play.
  • Replace all divots with original turf or seed mix (tees, fairways, and rough)
  • Rake all traps thoroughly after use. Enter and exit trap from lowest point.
  • Repair all ball marks on greens.
  • Remove and replace flagstick into hole with care.
  • Refrain from wheeling pull-carts onto tees or greens.

On the tee, no players should hit until players in front are out of range; no play up to the putting green until the players in front have holed out and moved away.

On the tee, fairway, or green, no player, caddie, or observer should move or talk when a player is making a shot.

Five (5) minutes is the maximum time allowed when looking for a lost ball.

When a group has been motioned to play through, do not continue to play until those golfers are out of range.

Practice Range and Practice Greens Privileges

The specific rules governing the use of the practice green and driving range will be posted in the Pro Shop. Usage outlined in Membership

All full golf members and junior members, pay an annual fee to entitle them to unlimited use of the practice facilities. Greens fee-paying guests of any of these members may also use the range. No other member is entitled to use the range or practice green.

Motorized Golf Carts


The golf course Greens Superintendent will notify the Pro Shop on days when course conditions prohibit the use of motorized golf carts. The use of carts and any damage resulting from their operation, is the responsibility of members or guests. The Club will NOT be responsible for injuries, damages, claims or any action resulting from the operation of carts by members or guests.

Operation of Carts

No person without a valid drivers license shall be permitted to operate a motorized cart.

Carts must follow the cart routes as they are marked.

Carts are never to be used on tees, near greens or sand traps.

Maximum of two persons per cart.

Carts should NEVER be driven in wooded areas. When your group is on the green, powered carts should be parked away from the green in the direction of the next tee.

Secure cart when leaving it unattended.

Carts should not be operated while any player is making a shot.

Return cart to Pro Shop for check-in at completion of play.

Starting Times

Members are requested to arrange starting times in advance during the week by calling the Pro Shop. Starting times are required at all times and are taken no more than one week in advance and in foursomes only. All players will begin on the first tee unless otherwise permitted by the Golf Professional on duty.


Handicaps will be administered in compliance with U.S.G.A. and M.G.A. Guidelines. It is the obligation of the Handicap Committee to adjust, up or down, any handicap and to interpret all information supplied them so that a handicap will most accurately reflect a player’s effective playing ability. It is the responsibility of each player to comply with the rules and to be personally responsible for the accuracy of all information supplied to the committee. If a player has not submitted an adequate number of scores to qualify for a club handicap, then he or she may be required to play from scratch until an adequate number of scores have been submitted.


All tournament golf, both medal and match play, shall be played under the rules adopted by the United States Golf Association. Any local exception to these rules will be prominently displayed in the Pro Shop, on the scorecard, or in both places. Members must sign up for Club Tournament through the Pro Shop. Consult the calendar book for specific dates on which Club events are scheduled.

Tournament information sheets will be prominently displayed in the locker rooms and Pro Shop.

72 Hour Cancellation Policy

This policy applies all tournaments where reservations are required and dictates that all non-cancelled “made” reservations (no shows), as well as “late” cancellations of made reservations, will be subject to a charge equal to 50% of the price of the event.

Junior Golfers

Guidelines for Junior Golfers

  1. Junior play is always subject to the approval of the Golf Professional or his assistants. Juniors must check in at the Pro Shop and receive permission to proceed to the first tee. The Golf Course is available for Junior Play as follows:
  2. The dress code for Juniors is the same as that for full members.
  3. Juniors should try to form threesomes or foursomes whenever possible. Twosomes have no standing on the course and must give way to threesomes and foursomes at all times. Juniors must abide by the Golf Etiquette outlined in these Rules and Regulations.
  4. Outside Juniors have no guest privileges.
  5. Juniors may rent carts only if they display a current driver’s license and are at least 16 years of age.
  6. Swimming pool privileges are not included in Outside Junior Golf Memberships.
  7. Juniors are not allowed in the lounge area unless accompanied by an adult.
  8. Juniors may not play cards in the Clubhouse or anywhere on FCC grounds.

Violations of the aforementioned are subject to action by the Board of Governors that may include suspension or termination.

The Golf Professional will appoint two Juniors each year to represent the entire Junior membership on issues that impact Junior golf and recreation at FCC.

House Rules

The Clubhouse is for the exclusive use of Golf, Pool, and Social members and their guests. Social events are limited to members and their guests unless otherwise announced.

The Clubhouse will be open all year during hours determined by the House Committee and posted by the General Manager. No children under 12 years of age are allowed in the dining room unescorted by parents. No children under the age of 18 are allowed in the member lounge at any time. Minor children (under 21) are prohibited from sitting at the bar. Reservations are not allowed in the lounge – lounge tables or bar seats are available on a first come first serve basis.   Members are not allowed in the dining room or bar area unless they are properly attired. 

A member must accompany Guests at all times while using club facilities. Lockers are assigned by the General Manager. Pool members are not allowed to use the locker facilities. Club towels are for use in the locker room only. No member or guest shall take club towels out of the locker rooms at any time.


Members are not permitted to reprimand any employee at any time. Any criticism or suggestions must be presented to the Club Manager in writing.

Complaints regarding the conduct of another member or guest, or the conduct or performance of any officer, director, committee member, manager, or any other employee, shall be made in writing to the Board of Governors.

Cell Phones

Audible Cell Phone Use is prohibited in the Dining room at all times.

House Charge

Franklin Country Club has become a non-gratuity facility. There will be a 19% taxable house charge added onto all Food & Beverage purchases in the dining room, lounge, members deck, pool snack bar and halfway shack (There will be no house charge on cigars). A 10% taxable house charge will be added to all To Go orders in the dining room, lounge and members deck. A 20% taxable house charge will be added to all functions. The house charge is an administrative fee that is retained by the club. They do not represent a tip or service charge for wait staff employeess, service staff employees, service bartenders, or any other club employee. Should you write in an additional amount greater than the calculated house charge, it will not be processed

72 Hour Cancellation Policy

This policy applies to functions and special events where reservations are required and dictates that all non-cancelled “made” reservations (no shows), as well as “late” cancellations of made reservations, will be subject to a charge equal to 50% of the price of the event.


Members and guests are not permitted to smoke anywhere inside the clubhouse. Smoking on the outside patio area is permitted.

Minimum Spending

A monthly minimum spending for food served in the Dining Room, Lounge Takeout, Pool and Halfway Shacks are required to help defray the costs associated with staffing these services. Any Club sponsored event, excluding Golf Tournaments, that require the Dining Room and Lounge to be closed for food service will have all food costs associated with that event applied to the participants minimum spending.


  1. Everyone is to sign in at either entrance before entering the pool and guests are to be paid for with no exceptions! Membership to include only unmarried children of the family.
  2. Rate schedule for guests as posted at poolside is $10.00 per person.
  3. Guest must be brought to the swimming pool by the member and shall remain in the company of the member during the entire period of his/her visit to the swimming pool. Member will assume responsibility of guest. A pool guest has the same house privileges as a member.
  4. Pool hours are from 10:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. Weather permitting, the pool will be open from Memorial Day Weekend daily through Labor Day weekend.
  5. Pool parties for special events after hours or off hours may be arranged with the General Manager. Fees, food, and requirements will be determined by the General Manager.
  6. Any children under 14 years old of age are not allowed at pool without parental supervision or a responsible babysitter 16 years or older. Capabilities of babysitter to be determined by Pool Director or Assistant Pool Director.
  7. No free floating devices fins, life jackets, toy masks, or snorkels are allowed in either pool.
  8. Everyone must wear a regular bathing suit. Cut-offs, jeans, etc…are not allowed.
  9. Food obtained at snack bar must be eaten at patio area.
  10. FCC does NOT allow coolers, food, etc…to be brought in. All food and beverages consumed at FCC with the exception of baby food and baby bottles, must be purchased at the club.
  11. No glass allowed around pool area.
  12. Poolside tables and lounges are on a first come, first served basis. There will be no reserving of tables and lounges. Lounges are for adult use only. Please return lounge chairs to bathhouse when leaving.
  13. Running, pushing, or horseplay of any kind will not be tolerated. Any violators will be subject to suspension or elimination of pool membership privileges.
  14. Older children will not be allowed in the baby pool.
  15. Pool members are not to use locker room facilities of clubhouse. Members are to wear suitable cover-ups and shoes when going to the snack bar for refreshments and in the clubhouse.
  16. Shower before entering pool.
  17. Complaints and/or suggestions can be addressed to the Pool Director, General Manager or in writing to the Pool Committee Chairman and forwarded to the Clubhouse office.